We source the majority of our world-class, speciality coffee from South and Central America. However, when we come across fantastic beans from either Africa or Asia, you see them on our menu as a Seasonal Brew too!
In 2023, Espresso House Group sourced coffee from ten different countries, and we brewed over ten million cups of specialty graded drip coffee to our guests. To us, coffee is not only about the perfectly brewed cup. It's just as much about our coffee farmers, the people who grow and nurture it.
In our business activities and, the choices we make across our value chain, we know we always have an impact on the planet. What we can measure, we can manage, and therefore our first step has been to measure the climate impact of our value chain.
To take responsibility and address the risks related to climate change, Espresso House Group has decided to set emission reduction targets in line with climate science. As a first step in this progress, in 2022, Espresso House made a commitment to set climate goals in line with the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Our next step will be to develop the targets, define a pathway to reach that goal, and to integrate this in our new sustainability strategy, which will be published in 2024.
Read about our climate footprint and actions in our Sustainability Report.
We are thrilled about increasing the variety of plant-based items available across our menu. Some of our products do contain meat and poultry products. We are concerned with the welfare of farm animals used in the company’s supply chain and committed to working with our suppliers to ensure that we live up to high standards of animal welfare. We have set a goal to ensure that 100% of our whole eggs and egg ingredients are produced from hens who live in a cage-free environment by 2025. By the end of 2022, 100% of our whole eggs met these criteria.
As part of our commitment to providing our guests with a great dining experience, we endorse the European Chicken Commitment (ECC).
During 2023, we've taken significant steps toward a greener, more responsible future for our people, guests, and the planet. This includes:
Click below to dive into the full report.