Let us help you with your event! Meeting, breakfast, fika or lunch? Place your order before 12.00 and we’ll be there the day after, with all the delicious things you can wish for.
Cold beverages included. Choose from: Ramlösa, Imsdal, Pepsi, or carbonated fruit drink.
For 14 people. Choose between Tea or Coffee. Milk, sugar, cups, and napkin are included.
We offer Business Cards for companies and it allows you to collect all monthly purchases into a single invoice. Business Card holders can order directly at any of our Coffee Shops without pre-ordering.
Catering Sales Manager
Anette Hellqvist 070-294 93 50
Catering Sales Representative
Johanna Tångne 076-495 54 52
We are looking forward to helping you with catering orders, gift cards, or addressing any questions you may have!